Monday, December 24, 2007

Magic Wand Number Three

My mom gave birth to three children.

My son and daughter make up my immediate family of three and on Tuesday we’ll be together again to share a holiday meal. My mom will join us, but my two brothers will not.

While I don’t subscribe to the lucky or even magic number theory, if I did it would probably be three. There has been a number three woven in and out of the fabric my life in a number of incarnations for the past thirty-three years.

Three is better than four yet not as enticing as one. Better yet, none. Soon baby, soon.


  1. Three wishes for you:
    1. May you and your family have a happy holiday.

    2. May the time pass quickly between now and when you meet your gal.

    3. May time pass slowly while you are with her.

  2. I love drowning pisces comment!!

    I have one wish for you...that you enjoy your time with your family on christmas....and that you have a wonderful, awesome, languishing time with your girlfriend....ok so that was 2 afterall!!

    I like the number 3 as well....:)


  3. Thank you! Thank you! And the very same to you both. :)

  4. Ditto to the sentiments already mentioned....

    Happy Holidays, Deborah! :)

  5. Just stopping in tonight to watch the count down! 3!

    Echoing DP's sentiments hon!


  6. What drowning pisces said in stereo!!!

  7. Anonymous10:36 PM

    that is a PRECIOUS photo!!
    Love it!


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