Thursday, July 17, 2008

LunchAble (?)

More often than not I take lunch at my desk. It’s too expensive and too contrary to my ultimate health goals to eat at any of the local spots near the job-site. So, I eat my lunch, at my desk.

Often, in the summer especially, my lunch consists of some kind of salad. Usually the salad is vegetable, sometimes fruit, and on one occasion and combination of the two. I don’t really like mandarin oranges as part of a mostly vegetable salad, I found. But apples, yes.

Sometimes I bring leftovers from dinner the previous evening. Today was leftover day. A yummy meatloaf, pasta shells and crinkle cut carrots with a bit of shredded cheddar melted throughout.

The microwave dinged and I went to collect the meal I’d been looking forward to all morning. There were hot peppers in the fridge from the lunch we had brought in for a resigning co-worker, I grabbed those from the fridge.

I cleared my desk of important papers, pulled out my newspaper crossword and began to eat and work the puzzle. The first bite…oh my, better last night. The peppers make all the difference. The second bi… oh my, here’s where I realize I’d forgotten my bib.

I’m wearing what was a clean white shirt.


  1. Oh no!!! I feel your pain.

    I once dropped a BBQ rib at lunch and it rolled all the way down my shirt...30 minutes before a meeting. I know, bad meal choice.

  2. I am unable to get through ANY meal without wearing my food. It is a family joke and I am seriously thinking of investing in some adult bibs for myself or at least swallowing my pride and tucking a napkin into my shirt...

  3. I need a bib most of the time as well. I'm sure no one noticed.

  4. You have no idea how much I can relate to this!

  5. The rule at my house is if you wear white, you will spill. Lori's Rule. Kinda like Murphy's only with more spaghetti sauce.

  6. Food tastes better when it's messy!!!


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