Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Monday

Stop at McD’s for coffee on the way to work
Me: medium coffee, 1 cream on the side please.
Cashier: I’m sorry, what?
Me: medium coffee, 1 cream on the side.
Cashier: sugar?
Me: No. No sugar, just one cream.
Cashier: You don’t want sugar?
Me: NO. Please, just one cream
Cashier: Soooo no sugar?
Me: NO just one cream on the side.

He takes my money, goes to pour the coffee, adds the lid, and passes me the cup. I wait for a few seconds to see if he’ll go to the cooler for the cream, he does not and so I ask, yet again, for the cream.

There was a similar incident at the local sandwich shop today. After supervising the construction of my sandwich (you want it grilled? No. No grill? NO. You don’t want it grilled? No. I slide on to the cashier to finish:

Cashier: Anything else?
Me: Apples and water
Cashier: You want chips?
Me: No, apples and water
Cashier: You don’t want chips?
Me: NO apples and water.
Cashier: Ok, you get that from cooler.

Moral: make your own freakin’ coffee and lunch at home, especially on Mondays.

Aside: A customer ahead of me at McD’s ordered 14 sugars for his coffee. If I had to have 14 sugars to make my coffee palatable, I’d drink soda. Maybe that’s just me.


  1. The McDs and Wendys near my office are both HORRIBLY slow and notorious for f'ing up orders.

    That guy with the 14 sugars has GOT to be doing a Grandma thing and stashing them away.

  2. 14 sugars!!!

    Blech!!! I hope it was a large at least.

    Drive throughs are even worse...I can never understand the garbled mumblings from that damn speaker.

  3. Being asked the same god damned question repeatedly would make me crazier than the goof on the order.

  4. What you need to do is pull a Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Piece...

    MG: Hi, I need a coffee with sugar and cream, but hold the sugar between your knees.



  6. My ex and I had a "Want fries with that?" schtick we used to do after a stop on a road trip at a McDonalds on the freeway. It still makes me laugh. Great story.


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