Sunday, March 08, 2009

It Rained All Weekend Randomness

I wasn't surprised by the "L" ending. Nor was I particularly disappointed, since I saw it coming long ago. I was disappointed before, however I'd gotten over it by tonight.

The rain was totally insane Saturday and today. Totally.

Diamond does not like walking won't walk in the rain, so taking her to do her business was a bit of a trial. We got in three good walks between downfalls.
My blood-pressure registered within the normal range for the first time in three years today.
I feel like I took 525,600 steps over the previous 7 days. My pedometer battery died, so who knows, I may have. Perhaps.
I felt myself shrinking with each step. Or was that somethin...oh, nevermind.
Friday evening I participated in an event. I met some women. Lesbians. Woo Hoo.
It was fun and I'll be looking for more of the same. Has anyone seen "Water Lilies"?
I've been trying to hook up with some local walkers but so far no luck. Maybe that luck will change with the time.
I have two vacation days scheduled for this week. Loooong weekend coming. Woo Hoo
My mom hasn't liked any of the supportive living situations. The search continues. She'll be signing a new lease for the current apartment, so no move for at least a year.
People I don't know are following me on Twitter. I wonder if they think I'm somebody else?
I don't Tweet (is that the term?) very much. I wonder what they saw that prompted them to follow?
Speaking of following on Twitter, how is that different from stalking?
Who do you think killed Jenny? Do you even care?
We're 8 (very nearly 9) days into March. Mad Yet?
And just so this doesn't end with a question....I'll get on the scale in the morning. I'll know then if all those steps had any impact beyond what I felt in my thighs, knees and lower back.


  1. I don't care who killed Jenny. But, I do want to beat Ilene Chaiken's ass.

    Hope the weather is nicer this week.

    Oh, and you should Tweet more.

  2. I think Jenni did herself in. She was a wacko. I'm a little disappointed in Dylan - she and Helena were hot together. All in all I will miss the show. I still haven't met too many lesbians that look and dress like they do, but's TV. We all need a little fantasy.

    Have you thought about getting Miss D a little rain coat?

  3. Shazza, she has rain gear (thanks to the other D) but still...nope, no rain walking. Loves the snow, though.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I liked the ending of the L word... i didn't think anyone killed Jenny -- stupid b*tch fell. the end.

    Liked how the other story lines came together... will look for the online 'clues' that they talked about at the end... will you?\

    Glad you're getting out and about... meeting folks... good for you!

  6. That's a lot of steps.

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I had that same thought about Twitter. Even thought about writing about it. I still might. Am I supposed to know all of the people that follow me? Is it rude that I don't follow them back?

    Anyway, I do follow you and it's ok that you don't twit or tweet or whatever on a regular basis because I don't either! lol

  8. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Fran and I figure it was an accident, she fell in.

    Molly hates going out in the rain, too. It's all we can do to just get her to go three steps off the deck to do her thing. She walks out the door, feels the rain, and tries to run back in.

  9. I resisted joining Facebook for many years. I'm still resisting Twitter, because my blog doesn't get enough attention from me as it is.

    If you're talking about a TV Jenny, then I haven't the foggiest notion. I only watch about 4 shows, and 3 of them are on Discovery.

  10. Diamond is so cute. She doesn't want to get her hoo hoo wet.


  11. Congrats on the blood pressure - that's not easy to get back to without a lot of hard work!


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