Part of my work entails making calls to insurance companies. More often than not, hold times are part of the equation. Astronomical hold times. Because of that factor I usually make calls when there are other tasks that may be accomplished while on hold; updating notes in charts, faxing claims, entering new claim charges, or posting payments.
Now and again, I'm caught up on other tasks and hold times are spent pondering.
For instance:
This pandemic: how much longer? What shall be the short and long-term impact to our cities, states, the country?
The election: can we trust the process? Will BLUE make a valiant effort and still come up short? What then? If BLUE wins may we expect RED to react horribly?
Civil War - the Sequel?
Sometimes the pondering is a little less intense.
For instance:
Are there enough leftovers for a decent lunch (or dinner)?
Is my body beginning to reject dairy?
What shall I do about Inktober?
Some drama popped off in a FB Inktober group due to allegations of copyright infringement and plagiarism. I am sure I've solved the dilemma that caused my unease. Still, the events, commentary have left a sour note.
Will live theater return? If so, when? What will that look like? If not, what then?
How much longer will I be on hold and what the heck is the music?
Welcome to September. Heck, in a minute it'll be October. O C T O B E R!! The tenth month!