Friday, July 26, 2019

Q & A

Y'all remember that post of the first 10 of 30 questions I didn't think I had posted before? Well, turns out I had. And not only that, I did a post to update the ten and now responses!

Go here and here if you choose to compare / contrast.   What a difference a few years and altering perspectives can make.

Seeing as I've done the entire questionnaire twice and the first third, thrice, I'm not feeling particularly compelled to continue down that track.  Geez. 

So, instead some updates:

1. I haven't cut my hair. Remember??    It has been a month since that post and while it isn't all that much longer it is thicker. I still can't really braid it and am not wild about the daily maintenance, I am not driven to cut it off. 

2. This is our 5th month in this new "home" and not surprisingly it doesn't feel like home at all.  Partially due to not having closed off the old place and partially due to . . . well, too new and we just haven't fully embraced the current reality.

3. My son, the actor, is in a show. It seems to be going very well.  I am looking forward to seeing him but am not wild about the "immersive" theater experience.  I may not be fit enough for all the moving around and standing. It is a 2.5 hour show. 

4. # 3 new work-out goal.

5. Speaking of working out, no...let's not.

6. I have toyed with the idea of opening myself up to meeting / dating again.

7. Then I stopped.

8. Three months in this working from home deal. Most of what I love about it is the control over my environment in-as-much-as one may control such things. Most of what I don't love is feeling out of the loop. I don't know how long one of my colleagues had become a former colleague before I noticed.

9. Then again maybe it isn't such a bad thing to be outside certain distractions.

10. In a few days I will acknowledge another birthday. I am feeling all sorts of feelings about that and then some.  I 'm not presently poised to speak more on that topic so instead I'll leave a question to ponder: Mayo or Miracle Whip?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Whole New Month (A While Ago)!

Good Day! 

Every day I haven't posted is a day that I haven't done a bunch of things I have had intent to do. I check in for work for that is how the fruit gets on the table (oh yes, eating more fruit and loving it, it IS summer, dontchaknow!) but beyond work and walking the dog and keeping the floors clear of dust bunnies and cat vomit not a lot is getting done.    


I joined an accountability group toward helping me to set and achieve week to week goals.  On the plus, mostly I've able to be successful. But for the items I focus on in any given week takes all the motivation and energy for anything else.   

Not good.   

However, that being said, I feel the tide turning.   

To that end, I found this note posting by a friend some years ago which I feel like I must have done at some point but I can't find that I've posted it anywhere. Well, it could have been tumblr but I don't use that anymore. Never really did yet I keep the name active. Why?

Anyhoo... 30 questions: 

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? 
Yes. I may have mentioned that both of my brothers spent time  incarcerated. When you visit an incarcerated person you are searched. At least my mother and I were. 

2. Do you close your eyes on rollers coasters? 
No due to the fact that I don't get on roller coasters.   I used to and can't remember if I ever closed my eyes. Probably. Maybe.   

3. When was the last time you've been sledding? 
I don't know.  I took my kids (37 and soon-ish to be 34) when they were small but I don't recall going down and hills with them.  I have no memory of sledding during my own childhood. 

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? 
I'll qualify the answer by saying it depends on who the someone else is and as important, who they are to me.  

5. Do you believe in ghosts? 
No. Though I will allow that things have happened that I cannot explain. 

6. Do you consider yourself creative? 
I do. I wish I could generate the level of motivation to ACT on the creative thoughts more often. 

7. Do you think O. J. killed his wife? 
Sadly, yes.  

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? 
I'm not sure where this question was going. IF trying to ascertain my emotional or physical attraction to either then the answer is neither. I do think Ms. Jolie is the more substantial based solely on their public profiles but given that they both hooked up with BP kinda makes them invisible to me.  

9.  Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics?  (The caps were part of the original list--why? Also, why is it presumed questions wouldn't be answered honestly?)    These days I know too much about politics.  My body wants to stop, but my mind won't. WE are in trouble. 

10. Do you know how to play poker? 
LOLOLOL  well, I know the rudiments of some of the games. I remember watching some Texas Hold 'em shows. But, I wouldn't play anyone for any actual money (or honor!( 

And I think I'll stop here.  I know the beginning says 30 questions and there are 30 but I won't do all thirty here and now since I've gone long on this inaugural post for July. 

I shall be back before July is over. 

Maybe. Hopefully.  Place your bets.