Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Garden Weary

My garden kicks ass alright. Mine! Up and down the block. I had such medium hopes for this year, what with the apathetic co-owners and their miserly contributions, I couldn’t expect much on my very meager, limited budget of time and money. But, hopes I had albeit, medium.

But even those not overly lofty hopes, dashed.

Motivation daunted by the loss to two big ‘o trees. Progress stunted by construction crews trampling and crushing most everything in sight. Three hostas gave their lives (probably) for new sewers, the cool grooved alley and the new (hopefully not retail) space next door being prettied for possible leasing.

It’s sad, so sad, it’s a sad, sad situation and it’s getting more and more absurd.

Oh, alright maybe it’s not that dramatic. But, it is sad (and pretty bad). But it is fall or rather, Autumn and it is time to clear, clean and get ready for Spring.

And so now that is my mission as I've decided to accept it, again. I shall clear the weeds and over grown foliage. I shall find some hearty, full sun variety of bulbs to plant. I shall plant them. I shall protect them over what may not be a harsh winter, but winter, none-the-less. I shall prepare for Spring, with colors bursting all over. Well, maybe not all over--the budget is still limited.

Thinking Spring.


  1. F-em...you like the garden, you do it...then blacken their windows so they can't enjoy the view. Halloween is a good time to do that.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Yay Daffodils!

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Already thinking about spring? You are so optimistic ;)

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Something tells me weese is already on her way. With a Rototiller.

  5. I did my canning in early September and I STILL haven't put my garden to bed this year....

    I am so lazy.


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