Monday, July 21, 2008

Hair Today

Donald at my local Staples ™ likes my haircut. He thinks it is neat. Obviously, I agree with him, I think it is neat too. Norman follows my instructions pretty much each time now and what I get is a nice, neat low cut and line.

It will stay neat for about a month. I must however, get myself into Norman’s chair every 3—4 weeks, otherwise Norman is challenged to re-create the look I desire.

Donald at my local Staples ™ wonders if the salt and peppering is natural or manufactured.

Make my hair gray, on purpose? Uhm, no. The salt and pepper pattern is a natural occurrence. In fact, until a few months ago I was covering all gray (and black) hairs with a reddish-brown dye (had been for years).

Donald likes the salt and pepper pattern. My daughter doesn’t like any gray on my head. Neta doesn’t mind one way or the other, my son and my mother haven’t chimed in on the color. Though my mother continues to hate that it is soooo short.

I’m haven't decided whether I like the salting and peppering. However, I have decided to leave it alone, save the cuts.

I will let it gray, where it may. For now, anyway.


  1. I'm wrestling with the same thing right now. Keep the gray or not? For now, it's staying.

    BTW, I got my hair cut at Walmart this Saturday! How redneck is that? hehehe

  2. When it's my turn to gray I'd like the process to begin with a streak in the front. I've always found those sexy.

  3. I've been coloring the grays since my late 20's. I feel old enough as it is when I look in the mirror, I just don't want to see them all there yet, and it's probably about 30-40% gray now.

    Fran just started coloring her hair a couple of years ago. Although she looked good with early salt and pepper, the coloring takes at least ten years off.

    The problem, though, is once you start coloring it, you have to keep it up... Letting it go back to the natural is nearly impossible, at least for me. My hair is below my shoulders, I can't just grow out the color.

  4. I'm apparently all gray but it mixes with the blond so it's not that noticeable. You know, I was just reading where us older lesbos are all the hot rage these days. Oh yeah, sexxxy.

  5. I'm sure it's elegant as all get out. Good on ya for letting it do it's own thing - I'm not that brave!

    Also, I've got hte long hair working right now, so it's be a hella mess to grow out...

  6. What prompted you to stop dyeing it? I think salt&pepper is very distiguished.

  7. I think that's great, you can always change it if you decide you don't like it.

  8. Syd: Yeee Haaaa!

    Bent: That's just it, when it starts you don't get a choice. Donald thought my pattern was good, but wasn't so happy about how his was coming in.

    Sassy: I started coloring mine because I didn't like that my hair was so dark, then of course, because of the gray. When it was longer the gray hairs were most un-ruly. So I kept coloring. Then I chopped it off.

    EB: No kidding? Hmmmmm. Is that what I'm feeling? Hawwt!

    Tiff: Elegant, perhaps. My daughter heated on me again last night, WHEN! are you gonna do something about that gray!?!

    Amaya: What prompted me to stop dying it? Well, with my hair so short, I just couldn't see paying $5, $6 for an application when I only use maybe...$1.50 worth. That was the main thrust.

    OC: Yeah, I could. I might. But then again, probably not. :)

  9. My salt & pepper started in my 30's and I only colored it at the age of 41, cuz I didn't want anyone thinking I was Sophie's grandmother!!!! I have to admit, that coloring does make a younger appearance.
    Fortunately, I buy a $7 box of color and linda colors my hair about once a month.
    However, you should do what's comfortable for you! Bottom line, as long you and your partner are happy with it - that's all that counts!

    i like your short hair, by the way!

  10. Salt and pepper is awesome! Go for it.

    I dyed my hair for the first time just over 2 years ago and now it's a pain in the arse to keep it up.

    Right now I'm about 6 weeks overdue for a hair cut so I have helmet hair and about a 1 1/2 inches of gay gray showing.

    I'm about to do a Brittany Spears on myself!

  11. Hi there!

    I personally think grey hair/salt n pepper hair is sexy. Tina has 1 grey and I keep hoping more come in.

    I have some now.. they are popping up around my temples mostly. Hope they work for me because I'm not going to be coloring it. I just refuse LOL.

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    TG simply pulls the gray hairs out as she finds them. Hurts like hell!!!Soon I'll be bald, but not gray


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