Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Such a Little Thing

If you ask me (or anyone really) for directions and I (or anyone) offer the directions, your response to same is: Thank You or thanks, I appreciate your help or some similar variation.

A grunt, some other noise or worse, nothing at all is not a similar variation.

If you ask me (or anyone, really) for directions and I (or anyone) relate, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to get there from here." Your response to same is: Oh ok, thanks anyway or some similar variation.

A grunt, some other noise or worse, nothing at all is not a similar variation.

And if you shove me (or anyone) trying to do, whatever it is you're trying to do--excuse me, I'm sorry or some similar variation is appropriate.

"Get da F#*# outta... "
Well, you know...not a similar variation.


  1. I am always startled by rudeness and I don't know why. I mean, I see it so often and all....

  2. While I find it annoying, I usually just let stuff like that slide off me. It annoys the heck out of Fran, though. If someone bumps her and doesn't say excuse me, she'll yell at them, "You need to say excuse me." She yells other stuff at them, but that's the one that comes to mind.

  3. Sometimes, though, isn't "get da F#*# outta..." perfectly appropriate?

    Can't say as I've ever said it tho. My momma raised me not to.

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I am not a rude person, and so I resist the impulse to shove slow walkers and tell them to get da #$%!, etc etc.

    But I want to!

    Miss Manners, however, tells me I am not allowed. And I do NOT want to get on her bad side!

    Civilization means that we do not DO all the rude things that pop into our heads!


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