Sunday, November 24, 2013

Too Long

It was my intent to be back long before now. But the last couple of weeks have been, in a word, crappy. Without going into an inordinate amount of detail, which is torturous for me, just so you know, I'll just say fifty-three year old women should not be having periods. Okay, maybe I shouldn't speak (or type) for ALL fifty-three year old women. But, for sure and for certain THIS fifty three-year old woman should most definitely, absolutely, positively NOT be having a period. Ever again. Please. Thank You. 

Yes, yes, I should be careful of what I ask for. I could be trading one painfully, inconvenient, uncomfortable, mind-numbing, aggravating event for another. Still, I ask. 

The hereafter never-mentioned-again period is not (in and of itself) the only cause for crappy feelings over the past couple of weeks. There were the usual subjects; frustrations at work, weather, commuting debacles, minor household upheavals, my hair, the impending holidays, grief, wardrobe malfunctions (fucking socks) . . . quite possibly all exacerbated by . . . yeah, that. 

Overall crappy feeling aside, there were some inspirational touches, some, "I'm grateful to be here in this time, in the place" moments, some, "let's forge ahead" attitudinal brio, if you will. This video was such a touch. It is long but if you have or find the time, it is worth it.  

Aging in general and my aging specifically has been front and center these past couple of weeks and not in such a kind way, thanks to the screaming muscles and achy joints, among other things. The Fabulous Fashionistas came into my time and space and just the right time an space. 

The physical aches and pains are still in residence and seem destined to visit for quite a while longer. On the flip-side, the emotional crappy is lifting. Some. 


  1. There was a time I thought I was going to make the Guinness Book of Records for oldest woman still getting her period. But at the height of my bitching about it, it did indeed stop. It sounds like you are in about the same place : )

    I am also writing a post about aging. (perhaps we are in a full moon or something ?) Anyway, I don't think it will make you feel any better. Sorry. Perhaps a nice, long, candlelit bath might help?

    1. Thank you, it did. Being d-o-n-e helped even more. I can't begin to say how I wish and hope that this time is indeed, the last time. Fingers crossed.

  2. So funny I'm going to write about aging soon myself. And I look forward to re-watching the fashionistas (I watched that a bit ago. But it's faded.)

    I will say that I am still likely to be in the facelift camp. Which I'll talk about more when I do my post about aging. I'm a big believer in choice around this. Although first things first, where my face is concerned. ;)

    Hopefully the crappy will get itself the heck away from you. Dang it!

    1. Indeed, first things first. So far, my face is holding up pretty well, or so I've been told. ;-) My first thing(s) have to do with relieving the pressure and pain from my knees. Having to inch up steps serves to make one believe they are quite aged. And crappy.

  3. I went into early menopause at age 46. But...the five years before that? I swear that I had a period every 19 days like clockwork and they lasted ten days. And the first five days were so heavy that I....welll.....I know you get it. And then suddenly...gone. And flashes. I so think men get the better deal.

    1. Agreed: men get the better deal. Suddenly gone...yeah, that'd be good.

  4. Late replying here, but had to add in my two cents!

    I am something on the order of six years past periods, but I'll tell you this, the 'thermo-regulation' never seems to improve! Hot flashes, yes, and chills, and never getting the temperature just right. Still, waaay better than periods.

    I'm sorry you're still suffering with it. It WILL stop.

    1. E, Thank you for taking the time, making the effort. IT will stop but then . . . what? Oh well, one day, one step. ;)


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