Friday, April 19, 2024

Annual Spring Shares

When I was a kid with brothers, cousins, and a great-aunt.  

Me, when my kids were kids. 

I have had a song in my head for weeks.  I heard it years ago in a TV program. And other than the hook I cannot remember anything more except that it is haunting, about longing, and for me, grief.  

I'm sure I jotted down a note when I heard it because it hit me hard; with the intent to look into it further toward adding it to a collection. 

My recent, not-too-furious search uncovered many songs with a similar theme and hook (or title). None of the samples I played resembled the song of my memory.   

At this point, I am not sure I can trust my memory.  I do trust the emotion dredged up by said memory. 

I won't keep looking for that song.  I shall spend time with songs I already have in the collection, songs that take me away from longing and grief, songs that lighten my heart and give me ideas of moving my feel.  

It is just an idea for I am a bit of a klutz and certainly don't want an 'oops, I've fallen' scenario. 

Happy Spring


  1. The song may be haunting, but these pictures just exude joy! And style!

    Thanks for sharing them, they started my day with a smile.

    1. You're welcome.

      And thank you. Somewhere in the stack of those photos is one of my mom with the kids from the same event. I've got to pull that out. :-)

  2. Love the pictures! All the children look so happy in both.


    1. Those moments in time were, in fact, quite happy.

    2. And, thank you.

  3. Love the pictures! So much joy and fun coming through from the past.
    Music has such a hold over our emotions. I think you are right to let that one song fragment go and focus on others. I hope a little dancing makes you feel uplifted!

    1. Thank you. I'm finding it quite fun to have the after log-off private dance party!


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