Sunday, January 28, 2007

Was Talking To Me

We met, not face-to-face, but voice to voice. Immediately I was struck by how much she sounded like my paternal Aunt M. Long deceased Aunt M was scary, a ‘don’t you dare think about taking another cookie', scary. Green eyes sounded like my aunt, I tried to dismiss that notion and carry on with the conversation.

We talked about a little bit of nothing and everything. As I listened, I heard things that didn’t quite jibe with what she’d written in her profile and emails. I tried not to be critical, as this was somewhat expected. The inconsistencies were not so far off as to be alarming, but enough to notice. Maybe I was being critical.

The conversation continued, somewhat stilted, but smooth enough. As we were wrapping up, saying our good-byes, with tenuous plans to touch base after my trip, she tossed out a proposition of sorts...wondering if I would be open to meeting a few other women. Women she’s been talking with that don’t know about me, nor I presumed, that she was talking with all of us, the only common factor among the group of 4 or 5 women was we were all talking with green eyes. She thought it might take the pressure off if a group of us got together.

Green eyes said she hadn’t posed this idea to any of the others, wanted to know if I thought it was weird. I didn’t necessarily think it was weird, it was unexpected made even more so when she added that she was not looking for a girlfriend and she knew some of the others weren’t either, but some were. I'd been of the impression that she was looking for a girlfriend. The call ended with green eyes wishing me a good trip, me thinking about the proposition and getting back with her when I returned.

I did have a good trip. I did think about the proposition. I even asked for some advice. I called a few days after my return, left a ‘hi, I’m back, hope you are well, give me a call,’ message. A few days later, and no call, I emailed a similar message. She'd said she didn’t have immediate access to the Internet, so I didn’t expect to hear back right away. Several days later I checked the site, saw she’d opened the message and apparently had chosen not to reply.

Perhaps I reminded her of someone she’d rather not meet or she’d met the girlfriend she wasn’t seeking. Maybe it’s just as well I might not have been able to get over that Aunt M voice match.


  1. Well it SEEMS as if you won't be missing out on much...
    It became immediately apparent to you that she isn't that honest.
    You sound a bit disapointed, but it's better to nip it in the bud if you're thinking it's wrong.

  2. Sounds like the Aunt M thing was a warning signal!!!

  3. Well better to know now than after investing even more time in her, yes?

    Her loss.

  4. Yep, I agree with wordsrock. Better to know now than later, after more time and effort vested. Her loss. Still, I hear the disappointment, I think, in your words, hon. I'm sorry it didn't work out.



  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Ouch...that stings anywhich way you look at it.

    So sorry

  6. It sounds like the red flags were flying on this one. If something doesn't sound right, or there are inconsistencies, run... far and fast! Hang in there, there are more good people out there than nuts!

  7. I'm with the rest. Her loss and she sounded a bit 'out there'. There IS someone out ther for you... when it's right, you'll know.

  8. Looks like she did you a favor-move on. I don't even know but she sounds a little crazy and you don't need that. Sorry.

  9. Well, you gave it a shot. As everyone else observed, it's her loss.



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