Friday, May 09, 2008


A salesperson (in this case it’s a guy, but that is not the point) has been calling you every few weeks for m-o-n-t-h-s trying to sell your business a service that might prove helpful and cost effective. You’ve looked into the service once before a few years ago and determined at that time that the savings were not sufficient to warrant the possible upheaval to the business to switch out what you’re currently doing. You’ve mentioned this to the salesperson at every interval, you express a general reluctance to talk about it more, but they persist, going on and on about technology upgrades and really, “we can save your business hundreds a year.”

Just one meeting, no more than 30 minutes, they ask.

Finally, you agree to a meeting. Times are tight and savings are harder and harder to come by. Maybe the service and technology is much improved since your last look-see. It's worth 30-40 minutes of your time on a relatively light day.

You schedule and confirm a meeting for Friday, May 9th at 1:30 in the afternoon.

1:30 no show. 2:30 no show. At 3:15 the salesperson calls, “Hey, it’s been an incredibly hectic day. I know we were supposed to get together earlier, anyway we still can? I just thought I'd give that courtesy call to see if we can meet today or re-schedule for next week."

My question isn’t whether you’d let the salesperson come on by (I didn't because I was leaving the office earlier than 5 and the rest of the afternoon was already booked). My question is: would you ever re-schedule?


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Nope. The re-schedule call should have been made before 1:30. By 1:00he should have known that he could not make it to your appointment. If the company doesn't value your time at this stage what makes you think that it will get better once they have the contract?

  2. No, I wouldn't. If they can't be bothered to be on time for a presentation, can you imagine the customer service they will have, no matter how great the product. And a courtesy call should have taken place BEFORE they were late, not after.

  3. Unequivocally no. Being late for an appointment with a PROSPECTIVE client is height of unprofessinalism, and my feeling is that would carry over into support and service.

  4. If he had called at 1:00 to say he was running late, maybe.

    At way in hell.

    That is just plain rude.

  5. Hell 2 da naw!!!!

    I'd probably even write the company a letter telling them about this idiot.

  6. If that's how he acts before he has your money, forget about how he would act with it.

  7. Never. They didn't respect your time, and ultimately don't respect you. There will be another service out there that can offer you savings, and hopefully, stop pestering you!

  8. Oh no. NOT EVER. This is my #1 pet peeve... People who have no respect for my time, I have no respect for them. PERIOD. DONE.

    A phone call at 1, would have been the right thing to do, but with an outstanding excuse/reason, as it had taken so long to get the appointment with you in the first place.

    They blew it. BIG TIME.

  9. No way! No how. Not ever. I agree! NO respect...they are trying to get your business, and not doing a very good job of it...

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Just realized the link to me...goes to a blank page on blogger, not wordpress....sorry. Hope its fixed.

  11. Hey Girl,

    Just stopped by to say Hi, and catch up on your life.

    Hope all is well with you.

  12. Not a chance in hell. Maria had it pegged. If he was going to be even 10 minutes late, he should have called prior to 1. That's what you could expect from them later.

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Nope NEVER. People like that piss me off to no end. EVERYONE in business has access to a cell phone if nothing else. Thats just rude and disrespectful

  14. Never repeat something you weren' t sure you wanted it in the first place!

  15. Thanks for weighing in!

  16. Hell no. If I'm not important enough for even the courtesy of a phone call that you're running late, then you're not important enough for me.


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