Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Any Other Day

It was a routine day, a day not so routine as to render it mundane, but routine enough so as to not set it apart in any way. This could have been any day. Following work on this any day of a mountain of routine, I head home in the usual way.

Thirty minutes of non-events later I arrive at my block. There are trucks and service vans everywhere.

I’m mildly curious as they activity seems centered on my building, but there wasn’t any work scheduled. The closer I get the more I’m able to see that yes, all the coming and going is indeed our building. I get to the lobby to see that the tile has been busted up. Moving through the outer lobby, towards the inner-lobby and I can that the carpet has been ripped apart. I climb the two flights to my unit door to find that my hardwood floors in 4 rooms and the tile in the other 2 were all busted, ripped, buffed and such. What tha... Who ordered this? Who’s paying for it? Who decided it to be done all at once, inside and out? I didn’t see any other owners around. My daughter is gone. And WHERE ARE D-dog and Pete the Cat?!?

Just as I am about to grab somebody, any body to get to the bottom of whomever or whatever is behind all this work, debris and confusion, I awake.

A dream. So rare these are. So real this was. I got up, checked the locks and the alarm, got a drink of water and tried to go back to sleep. I didn't sleep, I couldn't get the dream to leave my side.

The actual day that followed was as full of routine as the day in the dream. The actual day didn't include any ripping,busting or buffing of floors or anything else. Darn.


  1. I hate dreams like that...they make me crazy.
    Glad it was only a dream.

  2. I often dream that I am living in my childhood home and that it has all kinds of underground passages, etc. that I knew nothing about as a child.

    Easy one to interpret.

    I used to do a lot of dream analyzing, so I am guessing that there is some uprooting decisions of some heftiness coming into play in your life right now. Contemplating a move?

  3. It's strange which dreams stick with us, isn't it? But I agree with the commenter who said that it seems likely that you are wrestling with a big decision or upheaval of some sort.

    Brains are amazing, aren't they?

  4. Damn! That would freak me out.

  5. I was totally all "yay!" until the part where the pets and D were gone, then I got worried.

    Glad it was just a dream!

  6. That's a very strange dream... wanting some new floors, do ya????!!! ;)

  7. What an intersting dream. I love vivid dreams -- even when they freak me out a bit ...

  8. Vivid dreams always freak me out, and rarely can I get back to sleep.


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