Monday, June 11, 2018

Update Status

What hasn't been said in nearly a month:

1. My daughter had knee surgery nearly a month ago. She's frustrated with . . . well, most everything really. Doing my part to keep her spirits up takes nearly everything I have.

2. I failed to commemorate my mom's birthday mostly due to being caught up with concern and care for daughter. It was the 26th of May. She would have been 78. I miss her--still.

3. My bike broke. Thanks to that and other factors I haven't pedaled at all (well, except for gym bikes--sparingly) at all this spring season. I have no doubt not riding is impacting my psyche.

4. I participated in a free web series designed to get my sketchbook mojo ticking. I'm trying to commit to sketching every day.

5. Remember the letter writing month project? I continue to receive lovely letters from members of that group initiative.

6. In addition to re-dedicating myself to sketching and writing (creative endeavors in general), I am also re-dedicating myself to health (I won't say weight loss, though that is the ultimate desired result) goals.

7. I dreamt that I went to a party. I was in a party dress. I woke up in sweats. (Literally and otherwise) ;-)

8. My skin has been on a tear. Atopic dermatitis. Frustrating. Painful. Annoying. Nearly healed--not nearly fast enough.

9. I miss this space/community. I want/need to make the time and effort to write (and visit others) more often.


  1. I am so sorry for all the stressors here but #7 made me laugh out loud.

    "I Woke Up In Sweats" should be the name of your memoir (when you write it)

    1. Thank you. I shall keep the title on the listof possibles. :-)

  2. I'm going to agree with 8, #7 is priceless. The rest, well, I know you'll keep on keeping on, but I hope you can give yourself a break - even if it's a simple walk in the park without an agenda.
    Hang in there, Middle Girl!
    ps: I still miss my mom, too. This autumn will be 7 years.

    1. I will. I shall. Will do.

      ::sigh:: hugs to you.

  3. I don't think we need to do anything to commemorate our mother's birthdays. Rather, thinking about them with love is all we need to do. Well, that's my approach, anyway. And I still do it a lot for both my parents.

    Otherwise, this is a really nice list - of frustrating things in your life, but of the good as well.

    1. Thought a lot.


      Thank you.

  4. So much on this list -- good, frustrating, some heartbreak. #7 was pretty funny! I hope that your good health initiatives go well -- it is lovely to look at it that way and to take the weight loss pressure out, knowing it will come with the territory. Much love to you! Love the picture of the alliums!


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