Thursday, August 07, 2014

Re Invent?

You know the problem with purging? You inevitably bump against things that spark memories; good and bad. Things that ignite debate; again, good and bad. Things that bring about a paralyzing numbness.  This, is most often bad for numbness certainly serves to impact that, "putting one foot in front of the other" method to tamping out . . shit.  

As difficult and troubling it has been both physically and emotionally, to begin was necessary and to continue, even more so. 

Thus, the project lives. 

Permission has been granted to move methodically. Or haphazardly. A quick dump. Or a more deliberate study and sort. There is no deadline. The freedom created by the structure-less structure eases the anxiety (a bit) and cures the nausea (some). 

Re-invent? At this juncture it is more about re-discovery. Or . . . recovery. 

One step: it is okay to be able to see the floor of the closet. 


  1. How very strange that my new gym's motto is "Reinvent". and I was just telling someone that I didn't want to reinvent myself, I only wanted to recover.

    The universe must be conspiring to tell us something.

    1. As the univese is wont to do. :-)

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Or, just chuck blindly into a dumpster and run for the hills! - TIff

    1. If only I could. If only I could. :-)

  3. When I moved to TX, I found 3 boxes when we packed to move after a year here...I tossed them unopened figuring if I didn't need what was in them in that first year here, I could do without them...just now thinking about this for the first time in the 15 years regrets, just curiosity...take whatever time you need!

    1. Perhaps "moving" is a good approach.

      Will do!

  4. I'm glad you gave yourself permission to go at whatever speed moves you in the moment. Some of the discoveries could bring joy and satisfaction. The floor of the closet is good too...

    1. Loving the floor. So much more to do, though.

      Hi-ever, slow and steady. Steady and slow.

  5. I am a minimalist who lives with a pack rat. We are always at odds....

  6. *I'm* not quite a minimalist but my daughter is most definitely a pack rat. Odds. Yes.


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