Monday, November 02, 2015

Welcome to November

$14.57 on hand with five days to go before the next payday, a mild panic rose in her chest. A quick check of her transit card balance and even quicker calculation toward determining how much of the $14.57 had to be committed to getting to work for the next four days, elevated the panic from mild to extreme.*

#MicroBlogMonday -- go see, read, play along. 

*fictionalized reality.


  1. That IS a horror story... I hope there's a non-scary resolution. I love the idea of a two-sentence horror story!

    1. The scariest part is holding on to the hope that there are no surprises, no un-expected events that required any cash.

      I thought it was a good idea too. Wish I could take credit, but not mine.. saw it on FB

  2. I've lived this horror story before! *shudder*

    Well done! :D

  3. That is so much scarier than any vampire. I'm serious: I read the words on the picture last, so I thought it was a current situation.

    1. It is current (as of a couple of weeks ago) and chances are will happen again until / unless I can (re)build a suitable safety net and / or secure alternative income streams.


  4. I remember the days of living paycheck to paycheck. I've got to admit, in some ways I really miss them.*

    *fictionalized reality : )

    1. Begain adult life this way (heck, my family was on welfare for most of my childhood) but lived a pretty solid middle-class existence until my layoff a couple of years ago.

      Re-building in my mid 50s. So cool. (not always). ;-)

    2. **began** sheesh.

  5. Hang in there, woman!

    Love your two sentence theme, btw... :^)

  6. Ugh. Nicely written, but the subject - yes, that is a horror story. My husband was laid off a couple of years ago, and we got a nasty surprise just this week that will play havoc with our finances. Ugh again.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. Ugh, again for good measure.

    2. . . . and thank you.

  7. Agreed. Horror story for sure. I've lived that one never fun. (And the rebuilding thing when least expected is ... odd. For sure. At least for me. Sometimes I wonder how I got to this reality!)


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