Sunday, June 23, 2019

Daily Practice

So, I'm trying it again.  The IT being growing my hair out.  The growing has slowed so I'll have to live with this, what we used to call, TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro) for a bit yet. My goal is to try to live with IT for the next month (at least).  I will evaluate whether or not to keep going a few days before my birthday.

One of the drawbacks to having this hair is the near daily attention. My scalp is naturally dry. Having this much hair exacerbates that condition so I must oil / moisturize it daily.  It is still short and manageable enough that I don't need to comb it through every day but I tend to run a comb through it none-the-less. My mother wouldn't have it any other way.

As it lengthens the near daily ministrations will become more insistent and most certainly, more daily.

But I didn't really want to talk about my hair.  I really wanted to talk about routines or rather, rituals.

That will have to wait though for now I'm crying over something on television. I shall have to gather myself.  See you later, alligators.



  1. You look beautiful, my friend! I love the TWA look on you! Thank you for posting a picture. xoxox

    I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about *rituals*.

    Sending love...

    1. Thank you e. And you're welcome.

      Receiving and right back at you.

  2. Such a great picture!!!

    I do like the new "do" but understand the concern whether it is worth the upkeep. Plus, you can pull off the close cropped look beautifully.

    I want to grow my hair long like Lady Godiva and have my hair cover all the 'sins' that are happening to my body from the head down : )

    1. Thank you 8th. Thankfully there are no plans to go the wash and curl route no matter how long I let it go.

      I know the time needed to maintain that style is definitely not worth it.

      Be careful what you wish for. :-)


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