Friday, October 21, 2022


Claire and her friends are the reason I cut my hair off oh so many years ago.  The Claires (as I call them) proved themselves unruly and mostly unmanageable.  And as more of them appeared the bigger the management issue became.  So, they had to go.  Well, be clipped to a more manageable length. 

And then I had a change of heart. I started growing my hair out a couple of years ago; having decided it was time to embrace the Claires however they wanted to show up to the party.   

The Claires didn't disappoint.  The longer the hairs the more strident the most strident of them became.  

Still, I am convinced that I can manage whatever they throw at me.   

And, I do.  Mostly.  

But, glory they are a handful.  


  1. I love that expression "But, glory they are a handful." And I also love that you are growing your hair long. Go wild.

    1. Thank you. And yes, going, going, going. :-)

  2. Well this post made me laugh! You are a warrior!

  3. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I love that you named your wild hair!


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