Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ten Years

ten years ago last saturday my mom drew her last breath.  the moment is forever (at least so far) etched in my memory, forever written on my aura.  


i try not to dwell on the pain of the loss, endeavoring to churn energies toward the joy of the being. 

the existence, her existence in my life, the fact of my life.  

if not for her, i wouldn't be here.  i wouldn't be who i am. 

i won't sugar-coat and wax all philosophic about our lives together.  

it wasn't all good. in fact, much was not so good. 

still, she made the best, gave the most, and cheered like no other has or likely will.  

love. adore. cherish.  may the smiles fuel all the tomorrows.  

love, me. 


  1. Sending you love at the anniversary of your mom's loss. Mine are complicated. I love how you honor the good and the not all at once. 💜💜💜


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