Sunday, July 14, 2024


Some time ago I started working with one of the language apps to learn Spanish.  I have had some success but I have also stalled. I have been unable or unwilling to fully commit; I haven't done more than two lessons a day (though I do log in daily) I haven't (seriously) sought out other learning methods, no Spanish language listening apps, no written stories beyond that which is provided for free through the free app, and as important, no serious efforts to connect with other learners for real-time conversation.  I discovered that our local library has a group that meets once a month or so.  But short of finding and investigating sources, that has been the extent of taking the learning to the next level.    

I languish at the basic learning level. 

What will be the catalyst to move the meter? 

Mientras tanto disfruta tu verano.  

I am going to enjoy mine.  

Take gentle care, 


  1. You introduced me to language learning! But, like you, I have not supplemented with other sources besides an occasional podcast and can only read and write. But these AI language tools where you can listen and speak to a humanoid look very interesting. Should I still feel shy and embarrassed to slaughter French when trying to converse with a robot? Probably not, and yet I still resist.

    J'espere que tu profiteras aussi de ton ete.

    (too lazy to find the French accent keyboard : )

    1. Gracias.

      I expect to push the envelope but I won't put a clock on it, I'll keep on keeping on.

  2. At least you are doing 'some' daily and keeping your brain engaged. Will this lead to fluency? Probably not but it is still good for you and you never know when someone may ask you 'Donde esta el bano?' (Like 8, too lazy to find the accents and tilde)
    And, yes, in the meantime, enjoy the summer!

    1. LOL yes, there is that. Keeping the brain engaged, indeed. T

  3. Think of it as a pleasure rather than an obligation. That's how I'm trying to approach making that quilt!

    1. I have been engaging from a pleasure point of view. Or trying to. I realize I'm disappointed when I drop in leagues--staying in the middle section is agreeable. :-)

      Here's to enjoying the hobbies / projects. :-)


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