Monday, December 03, 2007

Your Name, Says it All?

In my profession I encounter names. Lots and lots of names of streets, towns and people are woven into the daily fabric of my life. Most are common, regular run-of-the-mill, like Jones, Main or Smith. Some are not so common, run-of-the-mill or pedestrian. .

Those not so pedestrian names prompt me to wonder as to their origin or whether or not the so named exemplifies the moniker in anyway. The wonderment escalates when interaction with those uniquely named folks ensue.

Take Ms. Tingle, for instance. Does she really? Tingle I mean. Or does she routinely elicit such a response from those in her sphere? Though I didn’t find Mr. Rudebush all that rude he may have been bushy as there was no way to determine that during our brief verbal encounter. I admit certain notions come to mind when I see that a Ms. Schleppy and a Mr. Moron must be contacted about a particular issue. I do take a moment to admonish myself that they’re just names. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if S. Barefoot was indeed sans shoes when we spoke recently.

Seeing Pepper Eggars’ name tends to kick-start a craving for a Southwestern style omelet.

Living in a place called Suck Spring would probably not be pleasant for me, yet I suspect I’d feel a bit pressured to be so always if I lived in a place called Happy.

Our names can define us or at least prompt others to use them as a way to define us. What about it? Do you live your name, bring your name to life in some way?


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I never liked my name but there is a town in Pennsylvania called "Normal" that I would like to live in. There is also a town in North Carolina called "Climax" that I thought might be fun too.

  2. Eh, my name is too common. And way too WASPy. I do wish it were more interesting. My middle name is kind of cool, though. I am glad I don't have a name I have to live down (or down to).

  3. weese is, as weese does.

  4. Well, my real name is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "a fertile plain".

    I have a couple of kids, so I guess that's true!?!

  5. Hahn means cock--the rooster variety. I do start making noise at sunrise, despite what those in the house who may still be sleeping may want.

    I have been known to strut around on occasion.

    Chicks dig me.

    Yeah, it fits.

  6. Once Sporks and I were plotting a drive to an unfamiliar location in north Georgia and Mapquest actually sent us for a stretch on a road called Booger Holler. We followed the directions—how could we not—and sure enough, there was Booger Holler, with a bonus minimart sharing its name.

    The best thing about my name is the book store real estate it would yield me were I ever to publish a book. Don't think I haven't fantasized about Teresa Morrison cozying up to Toni Morrison's oeuvre.

  7. Hmmm yeah - food for thought! My name is Davida, but a lot of people call me Vida. I should use that more often perhaps!

  8. My name's origin means White Wave and I really like that. Clean, fresh, reminiscent of the ocean (my favorite thing), moving steadily along. Those are the things that come to mind when I think of White Wave.


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