Bill over at The View From Here was very kind to include me in his Meme game. I'm happy to respond as it has diverted my attention from THE SNOW. We were not hit this hard...but it will seem like it when I'm trying to get to and from work over the next several days. For the time being, I'm thinking about questions regarding my book habits.
Hardback, Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? A book is a book is a book. I'll buy whatever I like, when I find it, in whatever manner I happen to find it; hard, paper or cloth--all the same to me.
Amazon or brick and mortar?
I'm going to presume that Amazon is representative of all on-line outlets. I tend to shop on-line because I have such an aversion to many stores, their employees and even the customers. I do like looking at books and will browse, on occasion. Generally, I'll be in a store on an un-related mission, see something I like. I'll buy it.
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Between the two, Borders as there are more near me. I like the independents also. We have several in my town and I visit them as often as I do Borders, which frankly isn't very often because of the aversion.
Bookmark or Dog Ear?
Bookmarks. I have several.
Alphabetize by author, alphabetize by title, or random? I sort and stack by size.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
I keep everything initially and for awhile. When the shelves are groaning under the weight and stacks have been started in more non-traditional locales, I donate them to the high school. They hold a huge book fair every year, a two day event. I heard about Paberback Swap some time ago and have been meaning to check out the site.
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
I keep them but....
Read with dust jacket on, or remove it?
I remove them while I'm reading the book.
Short Story or Novel?
Yes! Please.
Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Yes! Please.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
I haven't read either, that is not to say that I won't.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
At chapter breaks. I do not, can not stop in the middle of a chapter. If I'm tired, I don't start.
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once Upon a Time"?
Mysteries, thrillers and intrigue are my prime reads, so "It was a dark..."
Buy or Borrow?
In keeping with the budget and to minimize those stacks (hauling cast offs to the high school is a trial without a car, since my wagon broke) I am a more than frequent guest at the local libraries. I don't borrow from friends and my son is the only relative I've ever asked to borrow a book.
New or Used?
Generally new in the sense that no one has owned it before. However, it is worthy to note that I rarely buy a book "hot off the press". Should I hear about something new that I might like to read, I put it on a list. Should I become anxious about it-I check the library holdings.
Buying choice: Reviews, recommendations or browse?
There is a core of favorite authors, but I do step out of my comfort zone from time to time, usually based on a recommendation or luck into an interesting read by browsing.
Tidy Ending or cliffhanger?
I like the endings tidy and plausible but they don't have to be happy or uplifting.
Morning, afternoon or evening reading?
Rarely afternoon, unless I'm in a line someplace. I try to always have reading material along when doing errands. Helps to minimize the affects of many adverse situations.
Standalone or series?
Mostly series. Many of my favorite authors have written stand alone books, but I read others as well.
Favorite Book of which no one else has heard?
I can't imagine that I've read a book that no one else has heard about. If I know about it, many others likely know about it as well. If pressed for a reply I'd say, "Third Girl From the Left" by Martha Southgate
Favorite Books read last year?
Fiction: There were many
Non-Fiction: Again there were a few, but the one that resonated the most, "From Wedded Wife to Lesbian Life" Deborah Abbot, Ellen Farmer
Favorite Books of All Time:
I really don't like naming 'favorites'. So many books speak to me for so many reasons. Favorites of all time? There are many. Several. To name but a few would diminish the import of the others.
Feel free to play along.