Monday, October 10, 2016

Four Words

Seventeen. August 1st 1976, the day after my 16th birthday, the beginning of my seventeenth year. That August meant preparing for my last year of high school and trying to figure out a post high school life.

Life was, in a word, hectic.

Seventeen. August 1st 1977, the day after my 17th birthday. High School graduation done. First day of the first year of college fast approaching.

Life was, in a word, hectic.

Family life was in shambles with two out of control brothers. I was working three jobs to earn the money to begin school (and to get away which is what I wanted most in the world at the time).

A close, valued relationship came to a crashing end.

Life was, in a word, hectic.

If I were to have a conversation with my 17 year old self drilled down to 4 words those words would be:

Leave now, take charge. 

   See more HERE. 

What 4 words would you say to your 17 year old self?
.  .


  1. Oh, chills. Such a powerful four words. What a time in your much possibility, so much needed to get there, so much to leave behind. I was a senior in high school at 17, and I couldn't wait to get out for different reasons. I didn't really know who I was and was looking to others to tell me. So I guess mine would be, Find Out Your Worth. So that no one else would have the chance to tell me something different, I guess. :) Love this post.

    1. Find Out Your Worth...yes, I can relate.

      Thank you.

  2. At 17 I was still in high school. I guess my 4 words to that self would have to be "Take your life seriously."

    1. Serious at Seventeen. A movie. A song. A book. or Short story.

  3. Tough times, that transition from high school to college or to real life. I wish I could tell my 17 year old self many things!
    'Listen to your mother'
    'Don't be an idiot'
    'Love who you want'
    Mostly, though, I would tell her to work a little harder in school, follow her instincts and dreams, and use her damned brain more!

    1. Quite the rebel by the sounds of it. :-)

  4. Those are such powerful words.

    Mine would probably be: Don't worry so much.

    1. Power..that would have been nice to feel then.

      Ahh yes, worry.

  5. You are a lesbian. ;)

    It would have greatly improved college.

    1. Considering it was a women's college, I imagine so. Perhaps I would have been more motivated to stay had I had the words, the fortitude. :-)

  6. I love your words although not the stress of a life that motivated them so much.

    Mine would probably be "thanks mom and dad"

    1. Those words came much later. :-)

  7. Anonymous4:03 AM

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