Monday, July 03, 2017

In, Out, Up, Down, Done

The Fourth of July began on the First of July and has continued through now, the third. I suspect that the actual holiday will feel anti-climatic. 

Who am I kidding, it already does. 

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  1. Cracking up. Well, I hope today is not too anti-climatic.

  2. I hope you are surprised and it is a wonderful day for you.

  3. A perfect day to stay home with your pets...

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  6. Mine lasted 6 days! If it weren't for those dang exploding fireworks every friggin' day of it, it would have been perfect.

    Can't believe it's already July.

  7. Beautiful lamb's ear plants in there! I love the kind that doesn't flower. The flowers are so...inappropriate looking. :-P Yeah, the drawing out of the holiday makes it a little desensitized, like, "oh, fireworks again? huh." I hope you saw some if that's your thing and you enjoyed the day, which was beautiful here and I hope for you across the lake, as well!


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