Tuesday, November 28, 2017


"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."   -Audre Lorde

Here for More Good Reads! 


  1. It is interesting to me that children seem to inherently accept and celebrate differences. When does that change? As the song goes "You've got to be carefully taught."

    I know it to be true but I still don't understand it.

    1. Children are (by and large) products of their environment, the good and the bad.

  2. Yes, yes yes yes! Love this. It's why colorblindness (religionblindness, cultureblindess, what have you) doesn't work -- celebrate the diversity that makes life so rich rather than slathering everything in a beige blanket of "sameness" (which is often more like a blanket of the dominant culture). Love the photo and the quote together!

  3. Lovely lovely quote. Someone else, by simply being different, is no threat to me. I've never understood why some people think that. Thanks for this.

  4. Celebrate feels like the key word here.
    Thank you for sharing this great quote from one of our most important poets. xoxo


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