Sunday, May 05, 2019

So It Shall Be Written

I have been having issues with the photos taken with my mobile device being available to post here on this blog. I think I know what is wrong but haven't put in the effort to correct. I'm not quite sure why I'm sharing that except as a way to explain why I'm posting this old photo taken with an actual camera during a sculpture walk a few years ago.

This piece continues to speak to me on so many levels. Forgive me for not crediting the artist. I'm sure somewhere in my files and/or archives the credit exists.

But this post isn't about that. This post is about . . . well, that is just it, I'm not sure except that I've recently come to a conclusion that it is important to my health to revive this space.

From Merriam Webster:
REVIVE: to return to consciousness or life; become active or flourishing again



  1. I'll read and enjoy anything you post but now I really want to know more about that sculpture.

    1. You are sweet. Thank you. I will have to hunt around for the deets on that sculpture. My memory has gone soft on the finer points.

  2. I'm always happy to see a post from you pop up in my reader! What is the Middle Girl thinking about... something interesting, no doubt!

    1. One can hope! :-)

      Thank you for the continued support.

  3. Welcome back! And I love that sculpture. Something so powerful about the lean forward and the trailing thingies behind her.

    1. Thank you. Good to be back. I need to find the artist for that piece. It is indeed quite powerful.


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