Sunday, February 28, 2021

Out with the Cold

Neighbor's Frozen Masterpiece

February theme: Botanicals

A couple of weeks ago we got nearly a foot of snow overnight.  I had the happy luck of having to walk the pooch before the building management came around to clear the stoop and walk.  Following all that luck, I missed the last step and face planted into the fluffy new snow in the front of our building. 

There is lingering pain in my right knee, which took the brunt of the impact, radiating down my right leg. Otherwise, I'm okay. And thankfully, a warm snap and a bit of rain have mostly rid our environs of that thing called snow.  

Mostly.  The grassy areas are still masses of slowly shrinking mounds which means I get to tromp through to pick up after the pooch.   

In other news, one of the recent art prompts was, "Signs of Spring." That prompt pairing with another group's theme for February: Botanicals meant that I spent many days looking at and drawing plant and other images depicting S P R I N G  

I am ready for warner weather, brighter days, and lighter clothing.  

More than ready. 


  1. Ouch! Snow is best when viewed from the window of a warm room. Hope your leg and knee are feeling better.
    I love your lavender drawing. I saw one tiny violet blooming in my yard and it cheered me up quite a bit.
    Hang in there! Spring is coming!

    1. Thank you.

      The knee and leg are feeling better.

      Yesterday it was nearly 60 degrees. Fluke though, as it is mittens and hat weather far. ;-)

  2. Our snow was just beginning to melt and then a brutal, blustery cold front came through. Still, we are heading the the right direction.

    I suppose that face planting in snow is better than some of the other alternatives but hope that your healing is quick and easy.

    Love the dainty botanical drawing. Soon . . .

  3. Soon can't come soon enough.

    Thank you.

  4. Oh no! I'm sorry you took a tumble. I hope your knee and leg are much better! Snow is so pretty, but after a while it definitely loses its luster. We have a lot of snow still... But just a few miles away I can see daffodils poking up. HOPE!

    Love Olaf...

    1. Me too. Thank you. Finally, the nagging pains have subsided. We saw the beginnings of the some blooms. Hopefully the most recent snow won't disturb them overmuch.

      Olaf got a lot of attention. Parents and tiny princesses visited Olaf before he succumbed to the warm snap. A lot of "Kodak" moments. :-)


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