And just like that it is the end of January, Twenty Twenty-two.
My January consisted (in part) of leaving the tree up the entirety of the month; mostly due to not have a suitable storage tote in which to store the additional items purchased for the new tree. This is the first tree since moving to this apartment February, 2019. And we hadn't had a tree at the old place since . . . 2014?
I think.
Anyway, the tote has been purchased and the tree is coming down today.
I came across an item in social media making a case for having a tree year 'round; decorating it for
Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Cinco de Mayo, the Fourth of July, Halloween, Fall Harvest,
Thanksgiving, and then, back to Christmas.
In theory, it is an interesting idea. I suppose there are some items that would work for multiple themes but I can't even begin to wrap my head around the storage challenges.
THAT and there is a long time between the Fourth of July and Halloween equals a no for me. So, tree comes down, Christmas (and winter) decorations are going in the tote and down to the basement storage locker until December...something...2022.
I hope you have had a peace filled, healthy, safe, and zen kind of January. The last few days of my January are set to be filled with snow and below freezing temps.
Pass the hot chocolate.
Ta Ta for now.
**artwork in response to art group prompt: "the months--January" a friend offered some suggestions; A.A. Milne being one so, Kanga and little Roo. The other, well, of course all the tossed trees during the first couple of weeks of January.