Monday, September 04, 2023

September ? ! ? !

 Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away*

My son mentioned in conversation the other day, "we're coming up on my favorite months...the 'ber months; September, October, November, December!" He went on to say why, though I already knew.   I love how my son speaks to me as though I didn't give birth to him and lived with him for at least half of his life.  Admittedly, he's formed some insights and outlooks since being out on his own for many years now, but, still, . . I know he's a lover of autumn and (early) winter. 

Otherwise in the intervening weeks since last I visited here, a paternal aunt died, a maternal aunt became seriously ill (recovering), I snipped a bit of my hair--not a lot, just a couple of inches--amazing what a difference it makes. It's a mindset.  I also told a fib. A (casual and equally remote) co-worker asked oh so matter-of-factly, if I had a FB account. I replied, in kind, 'No'. (a fib) I wasn't up for the back-and-forth about how I don't invite any co-workers to any social media space, how I need a bit of separation, how I have very few FB friends that I haven't met F2F or haven't known virtually for many years now (or both).  

Fact is, my social media (FB anyway) days are feeling quite numbered.  I quit the last art group a few days ago. The mission of the group shifted and with that, two of the three admins opted out. Several other members quit and after a bit of navigation, I just wasn't feeling the vibe of the new scene.  I dropped out.  

I did put in an application with another sketching group with a mission more aligned (per their introduction) with my own.  I'm waiting to hear. 

But, I think I have, just this very moment decided that, while I won't likely leave the platform altogether, my engagement will be much, much less, likely toward an eventual departure.  Granted a some friends are still there are are engaging in some way. We'll see.  Still, if the art group chooses me, I may pass.  

Whether I'm in a FB group or no, I will keep sketching. I will keep sharing somewhere, here or IG. (or both). 

Oh, and I lost 100 lbs.  Well, I lost and found the same 10 pounds ten times.  Same thing.  ::smile:: 

Enjoy what is left of your summer.  

I hope you're welcoming fall with open arms and warm hearts.  

*September songwriters: Allee Willis, Al Mckay, and Maurice White  recorded by Earth, Wind, and Fire, released 11/18/1978




  1. I have the same feeling about the fb. I still have an account but I never use it. I only keep it because sometimes people from the past get in touch.

    Your son is funny with the 'ber' months! I agree with him, though. I love autumn and spring - the other two seasons are... challenging.

    I hope you find a sketch group you like, and at the very least keep sketching. I love your art!

    Congrats on the weight loss - that made me laugh. :^)

    1. Thank you. I plan to. Happy BERs!

  2. I don't have any social media accounts, except in name only so that I can see photos of my grandkids that my daughters post. But even they have moved more to Instagram.

    I am so glad to live in a place where the seasons change with such amazing differences. I, too, love the 'ber' months as outdoor labor eases into inside coziness.

    At least your weight loss/gain is even. I seem to lose 2 pounds, gain back 3. And those apple cider donuts are not going to help!

    1. No, I imagine apple cider donuts won't help. Something to watch out for in the BER months.
      Here's to coziness.

  3. You made me laugh over the 100 pound weight loss.


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