Friday, May 31, 2024

Apropos of Month-End

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I was clicking and scrolling about the internet and came across an ad for Gorilla Sofa. Imagine my shock and awe when the search bar query yielded multiple images of multiple varieties of magnificence.  

Now, I can't imagine feeling the need to NEED to have such a thing in my living space but several folks across the web exclaimed just that. 

Different strokes and all that whiz. 

Happy End of May.  Happy beginning of P R I D E Month.  


  1. Happy Pride Month! Ummm, that sofa is...something else. I am both horrified and intrigued!

  2. At first I thought, is that an AI generated picture?
    Who 'needs' that? I guess one would feel a bit like Faye Wray sitting on it.

    Happy Pride, D!

    1. One would feel like...something. :-)

      Thank you, same to you.


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