Friday, June 19, 2009

Progress? Why Yes, Some

What with all the walking talk I thought I'd let you in on where all the walking has and will continue to lead this determined Deborah.

You know about the quest. As you'll recall and as declared to my co-piggies my goal was to lose 40 pounds by July 6th. Like I said over there* a little bit ago, I won't make it, not by July 6th anyway. The last update has me at a total loss of 21 pounds. There was another one gone at the beginning of this week, which means 18 to go by July 6th. No, I won't make it, but that will not deter me.

I set the bar particularly high because I needed the motivation. I joined the groups because I needed the motivation.

I'll admit here and now that I haven't done much more than much more walking. I toyed with dancing to dvds, and various other work out regimes not the least of which was riding my bicycle across a few towns. But weather, a downstairs neighbor, more work responsibilities, mood swings, and other factors kept me from being consistent in anything but the walking.

As a result of the relative in-activity I didn't lost loads of poundage over the course of any of the given, recent weeks. But that does not deter me. I will not be deterred. For as I said, not only do I intend to lose the forty, but I intend to lose more. More than that though, I intend to maintain a healthful life that will lead to maintaining the weight that is my goal.

And if I can take the words from my own mouth fingers: I’ve learned some things along this journey. I’ve learned that I can’t lose without moving. I’ve learned that I can’t lose unless a move much. I’ve learned that the rah-rahs, atta girls, and positive reinforcements are important to and for me. I’ve learned that I can. I’ve grown to learn that I will.

One of my iGoogle home-page gadgets is a to-do list. The first and only item on the list is: get off your ass.

So there.

*you'll note that over there, I said July 1st, should be the 6th.


  1. You are right, it is hard to loose weight without moving, esp the older one gets. (no offense - ha!)

    You are doing really well, congratulations!!

  2. 21 pounds is awesome. I too have to keep moving in order to lose weight. I've been steadily going to the gym almost every day for the last three weeks. Before that is was sporadic. But I'm determined not to let up. As long as you don't stop, you'll do just fine.

  3. No offense taken Kmae. Believe you me, I totally "feel ya"! Thanks for the congrats!

    Yes, eb--not letting up is the plan. woot! woot! to you too.

  4. Deborah - that is freakin' fabulous! Keep it going.

  5. That IS fabulous... i'm down 10 myself and have a goal of dropping a total of 40!

    Sounds like all us blog friends are being like- minded! Excellent!

    Learned the same stuff as you... move, eat right and be consistant. It's NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle!

    You GO, girl!


  6. You're the big winner of the shrinking piggies, if I recall. Well done to you on this part of your journey.

    For me, if it takes me the rest of the year to los the first 25, then so be it. I'm not going to stop trying!

  7. Nice! Slow and steady wins the race.

  8. A great accomplishment and I know you'll make your ultimate goal!


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