Sunday, September 22, 2024

For Now, This

Of course, I did not intend to stay away for so long.  

Of course, I won't regale you with all that didn't happen, namely my thoughts solidifying into a comprehensible mass. 

Of course, summer has bled into Autumn.

May kindness rule over the next few days, leading to the next post.  


  1. I'm significantly further behind on posting than you are, MG. It's far down on my list of things to worry about.
    I'm glad when the Wheel turns and Summer bleeds into Autumn. Summer is just too much.
    May kindness rule.

    1. I would like to work my way to a more regular habit. It might not manifest in blogging but definitely writing and creating.

      Cheers to kindness.

  2. As much as I love summer, I am ready to put my garden (and all it's attending work) to bed and start eating cider donuts instead. And yes, reading and writing more posts.

    Kindness always.

    1. Here's to as my son calls them, "the BER months"--his favorite time.

      Easy on the cider donuts. :-)


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