Wednesday, October 09, 2024


After our last cat died, doing laundry jumped to the top of the heap as my least favorite chore. Aside from the chore itself, is the fact that we have to tote said laundry, bag, detergent, and for me, a crossword puzzle book to the public facility--laundromat. *

Due to our respective schedules, we have chosen Sunday morning as laundry day.  

The kids, the cacophony of multiple TV screens playing different programs, the random folks who choose to present as pesky--it is a difficult place to sit and concentrate. 

More often than not, I close the book and walk about outside if the weather is agreeable. 

All things considered, it could be worse. In fact, I've experienced worse in my lifetime.  This laundromat, over many others I've visited, is clean, has mostly operational machines of various capacities and prices, and has attendants on-site to address any issue that may arise.  

So, while I do not like the chore nor much of what goes on in that space where it must be done, I am grateful for the convenience of the location and other factors that make the morning weekly chore not suck super bad.

Happy October! 


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    One thing I always liked about a good laundromat is that they smell good - like warm, clean clothes. If you go in a laundromat and it's stinky... go somewhere else!

  2. The smell of a laundromat was once very triggering for me. Now a laundromat is just a reminder of how grateful I am that, although I have to navigate a flight of stairs, laundry is easy, peasy. Except, of course, when my better half leaves tissues in her pockets which shred into a kazillion tiny pieces. Always something . . .

    1. Something, yes. Always.

      I've only washed my own clothes for a few decades now. And yes, I do get annoyed with myself when I leave tissues (or anything) in my pockets. :-)


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