Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eye Have It

It’s that time again. Scratchy eyes, sneezing, drier skin…allergies. I don’t complain (much) because my case is mild compared to others. Still, for a few weeks my overall comfort level is compromised by the condition.

Making matters worse is I need new eyeglasses. I’m going on three years with the current prescription and that is at least a year too long. The pressure to go is heating up because I broke a pair and now am only down to one. It scares me to have a single pair, should something…
No, I won’t jinx it, but moving to the top of the “things to do/get list” is a trip to an optometrist.

The only question remains…which one?


  1. Allergies are killing me too. They seem worse this year for some reason.

  2. Hey...I don't know if it would help you, but have you tried a Neti Pot? It was like the magic cure for me with my sinus's.

    Hope you feel better soon, and you are right, you do need a new pair of glasses.

  3. It is too late to try this, but I have found that it really works. Every single morning, eat one teaspoon of organic honey. If you do this yearly, your allergies will be MUCH improved. It sounds sort of strange, but it actually works. I tried it with Liv when she reached age seven and her allergies this eyar are minimal....

    And I own several pairs of glasses. I think you should get three pairs, one for different moods. I have a pair of John Lennons, a pair of Jennifer Cavileris, some kicky blue ones, paisley ones and then some horn rimmed. I am a whore for eye wear.

  4. Well, it's all your faults that I'm now a convert to multiple pairs of specs. If you were in The Lou, I'd send you to my op. I could get you a ref or two for Chicago, but you'd be talking South Side, and nooty-pooty academic (and probably not in-network).

    This HAS been a lousy allergy season. Both MV and I are not happy campers.

  5. Allergies suck - that's all I have to say about that.

    Optometrist - I always pick the one closest to my house, although "eeenie, meenie, miney, moe" is just as effective!

  6. Syd: yes, worse for some reason this year or at least (for me) early.

    OC: No, I hadn't heard of a Neti Pot. Thanks for the tidbit. Hmmm.

    Maria: Organic honey, huh? hmmm. You know for someone who has worn glasses for very nearly 40 years, I have never considered them a *statement* making item for me. Maybe this would be year to change that up a bit.

    GM: Thank you for the kind offer. As a rule I don't do the South Side. I've got it narrowed down to a few.

    Shazza: Proximity to home (or office) is a prime consideration.

  7. By your level of anxiety at only having 1 pair of glasses, I'm going to assume your eye sight is pretty bad. Have you considered lasik?

  8. ohhhhhhhhhhh...the neti pot! That seems to be making a big noise! I bought one...now I have a sinus infection. Coincidence? Naaaaahhhh


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