Monday, April 07, 2008

All Too Soon

The …maybe the girlfriend from the previous post was not meant to mean my girlfriend, but M’s girlfriend. There was a chance she’d meet us for dinner and then no, but as it happens we were able to meet ever so briefly. She’s very cute (and practical). There will be a lunch, probably after the run of the show.

My girlfriend doesn’t have any definite plans to come up, the conversation has been raised and there is a slight chance it can happen in a couple of weeks. I will, however, be going down next month, finally.

Now, on to the real post…. a stroll down MeMe lane. I’ve seen this over at Maria's , Lobal's, Sassy's, and Kitty Litter's you may have too. It’s a painless Q and A. Oddly, there are 33 numbers but only 32 questions. Number 9 is gone. The rumor is that 9 entered into the witness protection program and was dispatched to Cuba (IL). It's only a rumor, for all I know, 9 is hanging out in Atlantic City, losing her skirt at the casinos.

Anyhoo I decided to perform this MeMe and I'm doing it in 4 parts, just because. Part 1.

1) The phone rings. Who are you hoping it is? The land line is been programmed to emit distinct, distinctive chimes for each of the 4 V.I.Ps in my life. Any of those 4 chimes would be welcome.
2) When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Well, more times than not, I’m on foot so the cart doesn’t leave the store. However, when I am in a car, of course the cart is returned to the corral or the store, whichever is nearer.
3) In a social setting, are you more of a talker or listener? Friends or acquaintances, listener. Family, talker. Usually. Dynamics and / or alcohol consumption might alter any usual routine.
4) If abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? Hellllz to the N-O.
5) Do you like to ride horses? I don’t think so. I was on a horse once many, many years ago. It didn’t suck too much, but I guess it says something that I haven’t sought the opportunity to do it again.
6) Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Well, just "day camp” which was more a very large play-group. Our family didn’t camp and I was never a scout or anything like that.
7) What was your favorite board game(s) as a kid? Monopoly, Life, Sorry and Checkers
8) If a sexy person was pursuing you but you knew he/she was taken, what you do? Tell them to sod off, I'm taken.

Monday arrived much too soon and now Tuesday is here as well, so I'll take my leave and pick this up later.

Goodnight, Good Morning.


  1. "sod off"? Hee!!

  2. I love telling people to 'sod off'. I am a Brit at heart.
    And about the shopping carts - it makes me so mad when people leave the cart in the parking lot. So inconsiderate.

  3. I like to say "boggart!" as well....

    I stole it from one of my British readers. It beats my Nebraska whine of "boy howdy!"

    And, I am going to ask Bing to program our phone. I am so sick of rushing to check caller id to find that it is my mother in law, who calls about ten times a day to let us know that toilet paper is on sale at Walgreens...

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    OH CRAP!
    I thought it was YOUR girlfriend.
    I'm glad you got to meet HIS girlfriend tho,' & it sounds as if you liked her, first impression!

    Glad you'll get to go visit Neta again shortly.

  5. Don't believe her...the woman is a talker.


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