Wednesday, April 23, 2008


1. Whenever I say it’s Prince Spaghetti Day people my daughter gives me that 'you're nutty' look.
2. Do you call your mending tape “Scotch” even when you’re using a generic or some other brand?
3. I really don’t like it when folks call the office phone, get the voicemail and only leave their name and number for a message. I would really appreciate some clue as to what the call was about.
4. I prepare for business phone calls. I know what the subject is and what I’m going to say in the event I get voicemail.
5. I get annoyed when solicitors show up to the office trying to solicit disregarding the –NO SOLICITORS- signage plastered on the door.
6. I get even more annoyed when they ask “is there someone else who might be interested?” after I politely, but firmly show them the way out.
7. I know, I know they’ve got a job to do. Kids with candy, guys & gals with office supplies (& deals on phone service), gals with perfume and gals (never guys) with art, I wonder…successful, any?
8. Doesn’t “satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back!” mean all your money if you return something due to dissatisfaction? You know where you can stick your re-stock charge.
9. Snyder’s Hot Buffalo Wing pretzel pieces don’t taste much like buffalo wings, but they are tasty.
10. How many different “Yellow Pages” directories are there? Is there any way to STOP them from appearing on the doorstep?
11. Having a cat around to scratch my elbow in the morning has totally eliminated the need for an alarm clock.
12. Problem is he starts at around 3:30 – 4:00 most mornings. My usual rise time is 5:15
13. We don’t have spaghetti (Prince or otherwise) much since M moved.
14. Neta and I haven’t laid eyes, hands or lips on one another in 105, 106, 107, 10sooo many days.
15. Each passing day brings us closer to the laying on of eyes, hands and lips. Yum.
16. I got tickled when an automatic dialer called the home phone. It got my answer machine because I don’t answer non distinctive rings, as you know. The automated voice thanked my machine for holding on and seconds later a guy’s voice said, “Hello. Hello? HELLLLLOOOO?” It’s on the machine. D and I laughed out loud. It was a slow day, what can I say.
17. Remember in the movie “Soapdish” where the Sally Field character is anguished over how her boyfriend broke up with her…”On the machine, Rose, On the maaaachiiine!?!”
18. I haven’t watched NBA games consistently for several years now. Yet, one co-worker persists in asking me about them.
19. After checking the Sky’s schedule, it is doubtful I’ll be able to make even one game this season, though I will try. I wish the home meeting with L.A. wasn't on a Tuesday. Hmm..vacation day 6/4?
20. Neta in 23, 22, 21 and counting . . .


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Ohhh those buffalo wing pretzel pieces are so yummy! If I'm not careful I can finish off an entire bag. . .

  2. Prince spaghetti day...yes indeedy. We be old.

  3. Totally random!

    #16 - that would crack me up too.

  4. 2) same with kleenex. That has to be frustrating for rival companies.
    5) I am grateful to have a job with a security desk and live in a condo
    10) That is so frustrating to me. There has to be a list you can get on to stop them from delivering, right?

  5. I love having a distinctive ring!! Some folks just can't figure out why I never answer when they call. DUH!!!!
    I love the random thoughts...I can totally relate to many of them.

  6. hummmm 21? I feel a Neta visit emminent!

  7. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It's scotch tape. They are band-aids. My cereal, no matter that it's made by the malt-o-meal company, is cheerios.

    The only thing that has managed to escape this for me is the copier... I no longer make "xeroxes" - just copies. Probably because that's easier to say.

  8. Soapdish was hysterical. I love Kevin Kline.

    We had the art solicitors in my old office - always men. Now you know where they are.

  9. I remember Prince spaghetti day!

    Definitely think you should go the Sky/LA game! Just be (cough) sick, not on vacation. Yes, I'm bad like that.

    Any clear tape is scotch tape to us.

  10. It's Wednesday, right?

    Prince Spaghetti day?

  11. Oh, yea -- Prince Spaghetti Day. And Scotch tape, Kleenex, Xeroxes (and the verb, to Xerox), band-aids (what else would they be called? little cotton square surrounded by adhesive tape?) -- and one damn yellow pages, thankyouverymuch.

    I don't have call waiting; I have two lines, one of which rolls over to the next.

    The days before voice mail are a distant memory to me now....

    Then there was the NERVOUS lady that you called for her to say, "at the tone the time will be..."


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