Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday, Finally

Customer service is a major component of my job, has been for years. As the company is primarily mail order, most of my contact with customers, vendors and others is via the phone. I have very few face-to-face encounters but e-mail is making some inroads. Still, the phone rules and I am on the phone much during the course of a typical week.

Years ago a customer complained to my boss of the time that I didn’t have enough “sunshine” in my voice. She acknowledged that though I wasn’t rude, mean or nasty I didn’t exude “sunny” either. He didn’t offer any suggestions as to how I could get “sunnier.”

The comment did stay with me over the years. And while I wouldn’t describe my quality as “sunny” I do approach each telephone encounter with customers, vendors and others with an air of geniality laced with knowledgeable command and professionalism.

Sometimes it is a trial and this week has been one of those weeks. My emotional tilt-o-whirl aside, the job must be done. There were moments though, that threatened to crack my steely professional resolve.

An insurance company was supposed to issue a credit for 4 months of billing errors instead they back billed us above and beyond the original error.

A business checks printer who sent the wrong checks & deposit tickets not once, but twice and then, then had temerity to charge the company for RUSH delivery. We still don’t have the correct checks.

A payables clerk from Florida called to quibble about $1.25. We billed $100.75 but the purchase order was approved for only $99.50. She went on and on about budgets and hard times and really, that day she had me at hello. Seriously. This instance was small change but it does hi-light a broader issue, the guys simply must follow the terms of the purchase orders. Most school districts will not pay beyond the orders terms. The budgets are just too tight. But, that’s another story for some other time.

It is Friday. Friday means that the mail is lighter and the phones are quieter. And as this Friday is nearly over as far as work is concerned I can look ahead to being home with my feet up, resting my aching back, nursing a tall tepid one (I don’t go “cold” usually), with candles flickering and soft music playing. The ills of this week will eek out of my fingers and toes and I will begin to feel, well, probably…sunny, despite the cold dreariness of this particular Friday.

Saturday promises sun and warmth in abundance and Sunday I get to hang out with both son and daughter and this just in...maybe the girlfriend and of course, Babeball. Any and all doing their part to get me ready for another busy business week.


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Someone once told me that I needed to walk faster in the office because my usual stride down the hall didn't make me look "busy enough"

    I'd like to tell people who say stupid things like that to piss off. (alas, I'd also like to not get fired, so I don't)

    Sunshine in your voice. Jeez!

  2. You are one big freaking ray of sunshine!! I can call your boss and let him know.


  3. Maybe the girlfriend? Hello? Wha? The girlfriend coming to you?

  4. Not enough sunshine in your voice? What kind of idiot says that??? OMG, they had to be struggling to find something to complain about because they were in the mood to complain.

    Hope you get to see the girlfriend, and that you have a fabulous weekend.

  5. Enjoy the g/f, who had better show up now that we're all expecting her!!! :-D

    I'm sure you are plenty sunny, btw!

  6. Spring break in girlfriend land? I hope so, so hope so.

    Sounds like the perfect weekend.

  7. When I call to complain or need help, the last thing I want to hear is "sunny." I want professional, to the point and above all..competent.

    God..that sort of pissed me off.

  8. Anonymous10:59 AM

    OMG!!! How horrible! Makes me think my job ain't so bad... Altho' being "sunny" all the time is TEDIOUS.

    Neta is coming????? OMG! OMG!
    DEBORAH>>> tell us SOMETHING here!

  9. Here's to knowing how to let the idiots wash away!

  10. My job is very much telephone oriented as well. Let's just say I get people calling me when we "steal" their tax returns for payments owed to the government. It's really hard not to take it personally, and at the same time, I understand their frustration. I know one thing I've learned from this job, as well as my previous job as basically the "collection" person at our hospital, is that you do not get anything from anyone without being nice. I know, when I get a nice caller I'm usually willing to bend over backwards and try to help them as much as I can. On the flip side, when I get a caller that starts yelling at me from the start, I'm about as ready to help them as I would be to pull a tooth. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there facing this sort of situation on a daily basis.

  11. Oh, and this brings one more thing to mind. I had knee surgery last Monday, and I was standing in line at Walmart on Thursday afternoon. The guy in front of me looked at me and said "smile", it can't be that bad?? I almost jumped over the cart at the dude, and said, is that bad right now!

    Sorry I'm writing a book in your blog, but for some reason one incident made me think of the other.



  12. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Hope your weekend was all you had wished for!

  13. Ummmm,


    Post, please.


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