Friday, April 11, 2008

MeMe Finale

25) Do you like your mom or dad? My dad has been absent from my life most of the 40 years he and mom have been separated / divorced. I didn’t like him when he left and I suppose now it is more a matter of not knowing him rather than like or dislike.

My mom struggled to hold us together after the divorce. The struggle marked with chronic illness, poverty, street gangs, drug and alcohol abuse has impacted the present tremendously. Her life and mine have been and continue to be inextricably woven and though she can be caustic and short-tempered, some parts of some days, yes, I like her.

26) How long does it take you in the shower? 5-7 minutes weekday mornings, usually longer on weekend & yard / building chore days.

27) What movie do you want to see right now? Heck if I know. I like movies but don’t like the movie going experience much these days and I don’t much like going alone, so I don’t really follow what’s coming or is out. Neta and I are supposed to go when I’m in TN. I’ll want to see whatever seems promising then.

28) Do you put lotion on your dog or cats? Does anyone? If so, why?

29) What did you do for New Year? NY 2007/2008 I was in TN with m’lady. We had shrimp cocktail and conversation with her parents. We went back to her place and she grilled some kick-ass steaks, baked some taters & stuffed them with baked potato stuffing stuff. We ate, drank and made merry. Yum. I hope to make it a tradition, at least until we cast our lots together and then we’ll make even more merry and maybe more traditions.

30) Do you think The Grudge was scary? I’ve heard of it because D likes horror type flicks, but I haven’t seen it (I don’t think she has either). Not really my kind of entertainment.

31) Do you own a camera phone? Yes, I haven’t decided if I like it or not. I’m leaning towards not.

32) What is the last letter of your middle name? E. In fact, there are 2 Es in my middle name. There is an E in my first name and yet another E in my last name. The Es party hardy, they own the joint.

33) Who did you vote for on American Idol? I have never voted for anyone on American Idol. I don’t even watch the episodes unless Neta and I happen to be on the phone and she’s watching and talking about the contestants.

Thus ends this exericse. I've been tagged to list six things about myself. I guess that's my weekend homework assignment, since it doesn't look like I'll get outside much as we are expected to be hit with winter-like conditions. Oh. The. Joy.


  1. Making merry is a very nice way to start a new year....

  2. Interesting MEME. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Good stuff, I love these - it's always so interesting to see what people answer :)

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Lotsa info!
    How bout the "couples meme" next?!

  5. Dogs? Lotion? Wha?


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