Thursday, April 10, 2008

More MeMe Parts 2 and 3

Part 2
9) As previously stated, nine is missing. This just in and confirmed, 9 struck it rich with the lottery ala “The Connors” but unlike the TV family, nine moved out of Cuba(IL), flew to Greece, bought a villa and interest in an olive company.

10) Would you date someone with different religious beliefs? Perhaps, provided the beliefs weren’t radically different. Then again, someone with a radically different belief system probably wouldn’t be interested in dating me.

11) Are you continuing your education? Of course, though not currently in a formal setting, but I’m always learning something.

12) Do you know how to shoot a gun? I pulled a trigger once. I doubt that would count as knowledge.

13) If the house was on fire, what’s the first thing you’d grab? Presuming of course daughter & pets are already out or on the way out, my phone I guess, to call the fire department.

14) How often do you read? I’ll take a leap here and presume the question means books, because really, I read every minute of every day my eyes are open. If we’re talking books then I average one a week, generally. It’s been a little slower since I’ve been actively courting my lady friend, lately it is more like one every two weeks.

15) Do you think more about the past, present or future? The operative word here is more I don’t know, if I had to guess I’d say I give each tense equal time.

16) What is your favorite children’s book? I can’t say that I read any book as a young child that resonated with me. I wasn’t allowed to go to the public library until I was 9 or 10 so I was limited to whatever school I was in had to offer. Once given access to the public library I began to explore the world of books. I remember reading a lot of biographies, auto-biographies and teenage angst novels. I couldn’t name any single one as a favorite. A couple of titles leak over the memory banks, “The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman” and “Go Ask Alice”. I enjoyed every novel required for high school and those I selected on my own. Favorite? There are soooo many that had an impact on the development of me, who can name just one?

Part 3
17) How tall are you? I am taller than 5’ 6” but not as tall as 5’ 7”

18) Where is your ideal home located? I haven’t seen enough of the country / world to feel confident to state categorically. Home will be wherever my love and I reside. When we are together, it will be ideal.

19) Last person you talked to? Neta

20) When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? May, 2007. I took my mother for her birthday. She enjoyed it…but we probably won’t go back, or rather I won’t. Nothing against OG, my mom is just not in her element in restaurants.

21) What are the keys on your key chain for? 8 total: 4 for doors /locks to dwelling, 2 bike locks, 1 mail box and 1 storage cubicle.

22) What did you do last night? As it is technically Thursday morning, Wednesday night I got in from work, changed into sweats & rode my bike to my mom’s to help her with some paperwork & hang out a bit. Came home, ate dinner, did the dishes, talked to Neta and answered these questions and (will) talk with Neta again before turning in for the night/morning. Oh yeah, I watched Top Chef.

23) Where is your current pain at the moment? My left knee, the right and then the left, again.

24) Do you like mustard? Not really. However, EB sent me some last year (?) and it was pretty good. As a rule though, I don’t seek out mustard. Now & again, I might dabble it on something.

Whew, that’s it for parts 2 and 3. This sucker is long so there are yet more questions to answer, but for now, I have to go say Goodnight / Good Morning to my sweety.


  1. Good answer to #13, hehe.

    Glad you liked the moo-tard. It was jacked up mustard for people who don't usually eat mustard. Good stuff.

  2. Don't ever knock the moo-tard. Tardary is good stuff. ;)

    I have loved reading parts 1 & 2, of three. Your responses are completely interesting.

  3. I've got a gift card to OG. A student gave it to me back in December. I hardly ever eat there but I reckon I need to get it used. I might go and have a steak...yeah...that sounds good.

    Love you answers BTW


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